Do you know how to choose the right protein powder for you?
This is a follow up blog from the initial one I wrote back in 2013! Can you believe it's been so long? A lot has changed from then to now! For starters, companies (especially overseas) have even more capability to deceive consumers with misleading marketing and being dodgy with their ingredient lists! I still stand by the same thing I said five years ago however...
I look for a pure protein powder with a high protein ratio per serve with as few additives, sugars, fillers, carbs and fats as possible.
The right protein powder for you is the protein powder that assists you in reaching your goals.
To break this down for you, I will touch on:
- Kinds of protein powder
- How different protein powders assist different goals
- Brands I trust
Whey Concentrate - more affordable per gram - slower releasing and digests slower in the body, so perfect for a quick meal - this particular type of protein is great for someone who is just getting accustomed to supplements.Whey concentrate is an affordable protein powder that has a high protein content with a small amount of carbohydrates and fats. Whey concentrate is often referred to as a blend because of this slightly higher ratio.
Ideal for:
Muscle gain. -
Whey Isolate - essentially fat- and carbohydrate-free - fast releasing and perfect for post-workout - low in carbs and fats (but be sure to check the nutritional panel for any hidden sugarsWhey protein isolate, or WPI is almost a complete protein source. Whey protein isolate is generally heftier in price and I often switch between isolate and concentrate.
Ideal for:
Muscle gain, fat loss. -
Casein Protein Powder - very slow releasing and often used as a nighttime snack to keep you full through the night - casein can take anywhere from 5 to 7 hours to completely break down!Casein is high in glutamine and will speed up your recovery Often my clients will enjoy casein as a nighttime treat before bed.
Ideal for:
Keeping you satisfied while you fast overnight. -
Pea Protein Powder - a vegan alternative - this particular powder has the starches, fibre and carbohydrates stripped to leave the protein - the molecular structure of pea protein is very similar to casein - another thing to consider is that while pea protein contains all 9 essential amino acids to make it a complete protein; it is quite low in two of these
Ideal for:
Muscle gain, vegans and vegetarians. -
Soy Protein Powder - this protein powder is derived from soybeans that have been dehulled and defatted - soy protein concentrate can contain up to 65% protein while isolate can contain up to 90% (quite a significant difference) There is the concern that the phytoestrogens present in soy mimic oestrogen. However, there have also been studies to show that soy may even help to reduce the risk of certain cancers. Whether you choose soy protein powder as your protein powder of choice or not, keep in mind that it contains 25% less protein than whey protein isolate per serve
Ideal for:
Vegans and vegetarians. -
Brown Rice Protein Powder - plant based and packed with nutrients - allergen friendly and low in fats and carbohydrates - the peptides found in brown rice protein are proven to regulate cholesterol tooBrown rice protein powder is a great vegan and vegetarian option.
Ideal for:
Muscle gain, vegans and vegetarians.BRANDS I TRUST
Happy Way
Happy Way have the besttt flavours in my opinion - anyone else catch my obsession with the coffee on snap!? haha Sometimes I will have the shake on its own, in my morning oats, or sprinkled on top of yoghurt after dinner.
Nathan and I trust Gentec as they source all their whey from New Zealand, which is apparently the highest quality whey in the world! Gentec is slightly pricier but I believe that their passion for bringing high quality products to the table makes it worth it.
180 Nutrition
The protein I took during pregnancy and a brand I would happily recommend to mamas and mamas to be. 180 Nutrition is safe to take for the entire family and they carry a range of other products too that are great for overall wellbeing. -
Bulk Nutrients
One word; affordable! Bulk Nutrients has a huge variety of proteins and the majority of which have minimal ingredients and no hidden fillers or chemicals.
All of these brands serve different purposes (some overlapping) and in their own right are great protein powder brand choices.
I would love to hear what your favourite protein powder or supplement brand is, or if you have any suggestions!
For a discount on Happy Way, use 'HAPPYSOPHIE' in your shopping cart. Sophie xx You can refer to my original protein powder blog here.
What do you think of isagenix?
Hi Sophie! Really interesting. Any views on supplements famously known as “ISAGENIX”??
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