Six years later and I am so glad I made the investment.
For those in the ‘cult’ of owning a thermo appliance (I say thermo appliance instead of Thermomix because there are so many brands on the market today and there are affordable options that suit most budgets now), you will know the ease and difference that these mighty machines make to your life!
My top 3 favourite things about my thermo:
This was hard to narrow down to just three as I am almost like a car salesman when it comes to this appliance. When I first bought it, every person who walked in my doors would get the run down, how to use and my favourite recipes. I understand that the Thermomix brand is SUPER expensive ($2000!), and with a promise of never needing any other machine or kitchen utensils, I will say that has not been my personal experience, but HAS been 100% worth the investment and I LOVE it so much (if you can’t tell!).
- Making staples from scratch
- Mayonnaise
- Butter
- Yoghurt
Three things made so easy, so simple and so affordable! Knowing what is going into your food and also how EASY they are to make.
- Money Saver
When you look at the recipes per serve, you will see such a huge saving in your meals. When you take into consideration the staple items being made from scratch also-, it will blow your mind at the difference in your weekly shop.
Breads, pizza doughs and baked goods are now so easy to make and bake.
- Time-Saving
A complete family dish in under 20 minutes is not uncommon with my thermo. The best part is, now I know how to use the functions, I can make something up using the ingredients I have on hand without a recipe.
A sneaky 4th:
The ability to introduce my children to cooking. Allowing my boys to take the reins in the kitchen has been made a lot easier with the thermo and the step-by-step recipes. It has given them freedom, the ability to follow a recipe and the safety aspect of knowing the machine won't start if not closed properly etc
I purchased my machine in 2013 and only now feel confident to give you all my favourite tried and tested recipes, conversions!
I was meal prepping last week and I had a bunch of requests to explain how I convert my traditional recipe into a thermos format, so I thought a downloadable that you can all keep was the best way.
Want to learn how to convert your own recipes to thermo?
I have been receiving messages nonstop over the years with requests for thermo-specific recipes and dedicated thermo dishes. I get asked "How do I adapt one of my recipes to suit a thermo?". So I've created my free downloadable, How to convert recipes to thermo! to show you the ropes.
Simply register below to get your free copy.
Easy, convenient and quick wholefood recipes. 85 thermo recipes for the family!
I cannot wait for you to see my latest release Everyday Thermo!
Sophie x
Need help to convert my recipes
I can wait
Your new book will be interesting for every day meals.
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