New Year, New Me?
…new hair who dis?
I asked you all to scare me with your 2019 goals on my Instagram and what I found really surprising was the amount of goals that were not measurable.
Some examples:
‘I want to lose weight’
‘I want to find my purpose’
‘I want to be healthier’
All incredible goals, however not directly measurable for success.
Instead, why not try:
‘I want to lose 10 kilos in 2019, broken down into 1.2kgs per month.'
Is it specific? Yes.
Is it measurable? Yes.
Is it achievable? Yes.
Have you set a time frame? Yes.
Then look at the HOW- the PLAN.
This is integral when writing your goals and can mean the difference between making them happen and not.
A goal without a deadline, a plan and measurability- is just a dream. And don’t get me wrong, I love a dream as much as the next person, but when it comes to goals, these are what drive our daily habits and need to be planned out carefully!
The how can be open ended, so ensure it works for you and your lifestyle:
- I am going to meal plan/I am going to flexible diet.
- I am going to hire a coach.
- I am going to follow THE BOD for accountability.
All great options- whatever it is- PLAN for it.
Now the other thing when setting goals to consider are the different goals that one can potentially have- all important.
Personal Goals.
Family Goals.
Work/Business Goals.
Personal goals can be things like:
- I want to read/finish one novel every month.
- I want to train for and complete the marathon on October 23rd.
- I want to have family dinner at least 3 nights per week.
- I want to limit technology time to 5 hours per week.
- I want to do 1 ‘fun new’ activity as a family per week.
Work/Business goals could be:
- I want to study 2 extra courses in 2019 to assist in my role.
- In 2019 I want to achieve my target 3 months in a row.
- I want to listen to 2 podcasts a week to further my education.
We often hear the term ‘New Year, New Me’ but rarely we do anything to achieve this.
Planning is the difference between achieving that ‘NEW YOU’ and without actively making steps towards these goals, it is hard to see a change in the future. I encourage you all to spend a day- yes, an entire DAY, planning out your 2019. We truly only get one life and if you want to see a change- make a change.
I heard the other day we only really get around 13 or so summers with our children being kids, which really hit home for me. Here in Australia, summer is life. It is the school holidays, the days are longer, the activities are endless and the sun is out. It is truly remarkable when we step back and see life in that context as the days feel long- but the years just seem to fly past and often slip us by- so in 2019, let’s aim to not let that happen!
Our first THE BOD RESTART in on Jan 14, for those of you with fitness goals in mind, this is an incredible start!
I hope you will band together with me and join me for this fitness goal, and set aside a day to set more goals for your 2019! ♡
This really hit home for me. Ive had so many set backs this year. I keep putting myself last! I think its one of my worst habbits. But im definitely looking at setting some achievable goals this year! With the help from the bod hopefully. I love everything you and nathan stand for.. Well when i do get the chance to go on my phone, which is rare.. Thank you guys for being as real as i think you can be on social media ☺☺
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