Thermo Functions | FREE Cheat Sheet Printable

Thermo Functions | FREE Cheat Sheet Printable


Getting to know your Thermomix and how the different functions work is incredibly important. Especially when it comes to converting your recipes and establishing your own touch on recipes.

When I first purchased my thermo appliance, I would keep my functions page open to learn and re-learn how to make the most of it.

It was helpful, but, I wanted to design something that 1) could be printed and 2) be beautifully designed and easy to follow.

That's where my Thermo Functions Printable comes in. 

Register your email below and I'll email your a copy of my go to cheat-sheet.


Why a Thermomix / Thermo Appliance?

So why incorporate a thermo into your cooking methods? You're opening up the possibility to so many new cooking methods. It can make cooking SIMPLER, QUICKER and more CONVENIENT.

Some of my favourite things to make using my Thermomix are:

Everyday Thermo is now available - full of 85 quick, easy and convenient thermo recipes that range from morning boosts all the way to sweet times.  


Learn more about the recipe chapters and the scannable barcodes in Everyday Thermo!

If you haven't checked out my other thermo blogs, click the images below and register to download more free thermo resources.




  • belinda


  • Keryn Wydra

    Thank you 😊

  • Michelle Rann

    Looking forward to the cheat sheet


    Good Morning,
    If possible could I please have the copy of the cheat sheet for the Theromix.
    Thank you

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