#1 HIIT Otherwise known as ‘High intensity interval training’
There are numerous ways to perform this style of training, but the best part is that the easiest method, is also free and includes no equipment!
Find an area you can run- a street, park, oval, treadmill if you have one.
Sprint as hard as you possibly can for 30 seconds, ensuring you give 100%. Once you have hit 30 seconds, lower your speed to a walk until your heart rate drops back down to around 60% of max, around 1-3 minutes depending on fitness levels. Repeat this 15 times.
If performing this on a treadmill you may need to do a few practice runs to find out your max speed.
Along with the ‘sprinting’ style of HIIT, there are also numerous other ways you can perform HIIT. From pushups to burpees with a walk in between to heavy squats, HIIT is a great way to lose fat!
HIIT has shown to increase your metabolic uptake over a 24 hour window vs steady state cardio which only burns fat when you are performing the exercise. This means that you actually burn more fat by spending less time actually working out!
*Reference- Baylor College of medicine (Houston)
HIIT should be performed at a separate time to weight or additional training, not included in the same session.
#2 Diet/Nutrition
The obvious one, but the one that is usually ignored or altered to suit. Yes, dieting can be tough. You may feel as though you are missing out.
A few things to think about before changing your nutrition:
-Is it a maintainable lifestyle change? Can I do this forever?
If the answer is no, you may need to look for a more suitable plan to suit your lifestyle.
-Does the diet contain essential macronutrients?
You need carbohydrates, proteins and essential fats for fat loss, hormones and overall health, energy and vitality.
Cutting out any of these major groups may result in a negative effect rather than a positive one.
There are so many diets out there however you need to find one that you can positively include in your lifestyle. Always be prepared and organized and you will succeed.
#3 Water
Are you drinking enough water? A lot of people I coach often say it is hard to drink even as little as 2 litres a day, your body is made up of up to 75% water. You need to continue to replace and rehydrate your body to clear out toxins, for healthy skin and energy levels.
Water can assist in your weight loss as it will curb your appetite, many people think they are hungry when they are actually thirsty. Identify this and it can help you stick to your diet!
#4 Weight training
Ahhhhh my miracle cure! ;) The difference between a cardio only body and a weight built body is tone. Weight training increases your strength, therefore increases your muscle mass and the domino effect starts as your metabolism kicks in and performs better the more muscle mass your body has.
If you’re starting out on weight training the best advice I have is to start light and focus on technique. If you can afford a coach, find your local strength coach. I say this as these days everyone is a Personal trainer and in all honesty, correct technique is barely taught in a certificate based course. How do you find a strength coach?
Research either strength & conditioning studios, or find a local powerlifting gym and ask one of them. I can promise you, as big and scary looking as they are- they are harmless and oh, so lovely. I also assure you that they will not ‘bulk’ you up.
Alternatively, contact me and I will find you a good trainer in your area.
If you cannot afford a regular training session, I do advise getting 2/3 sessions before going on your own.
It will give you that confidence to know you are doing it right, and progressing.
Weights leave your body toned, rather than skinny. The best part? You actually burn more calories whilst weight training too!
Lastly, another question i often get- should you do weight training before or after a cardio session? Always do weights first! :)
#5 Supplementation
I’m not talking about the latest ‘shred fat blaster pill’
I’m taking about a good fish oil capsule or a pure protein powder.
When used correctly supplementation can mean the difference between consistent weight loss, feeling full, loads of energy vs always hungry, lacking protein or minerals.
One of my all time favourite supplements is actually called ALA- Alpha Lipoic Acid. Along with it’s antioxidant effects it can also completely change your physique, combats free radicals, slows aging, protects against cancer and regulates blood sugar in diabetics.
Certainly a supplement I use day in, day out. See, not something that is marketed using banners or commercials.
A huge question I get asked is what is the best protein to buy?
Most proteins on the market are much of a muchness, so how do you decide?
First off, you need to decide what you want in a protein- do you want a vegan protein for example- ie pea based or rice based. (the best peas based I have found is actually neways, I include this in my children’s diet as they are lactose intolerant)
If whey is your choice, you will not have a problem finding a supply!
Look at the amount of protein per serve, the ingredients and the carbohydrate/fat grams. Always look per 100grams, not per serve as many companies will trick you as they alter the serving size on the nutritional panel.
I prefer to eat my fats (think almonds, macadamia spread and avocado sauces) and carbohydrates (think pumpkin, sweet potato, quinoa or rice) rather than drink them- so for this reason I like my carbs/fats to be low in a protein powder. I usually try and find one that is sweetened with stevia. The ‘about time’ range is great for this. (and tastes amazing too- not something you can say about all of them!)
I hope this gets you on your way to fat loss heaven!
Written as always with love, from Sophie!
Please feel free to share my tips with your friends and family!
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