We made it!
The famous 6 week mark, I officially have 6 week girls! I am 6 weeks postpartum with twins!
Wowsers! I cannot believe that a) we have twins, b) they are already here and c) they are 6 weeks old!
6 weeks is known to be that 'golden' time frame that everyone discusses post c-section to start exercise.
This is because you should be able to return to your normal routine, running marathons etc.... right? ;)
This week I had my obstetrician appointment. I sat waiting for him to say the words "here is your official clearance, off you go- enjoy your run/skip/jump".
However they weren't the words that my incredibly sensible OB said (he did however instead say 'time for a pap-smear' .... 'oh, yay' *not*).
Throughout my entire pregnancy, my OB was very much a 'realist'.
He had zero problem with me exercising, didn't bat an eyelid to give me early clearance to drive post c-section and was always on the laid back side of things throughout.
I loved this about him because I knew that when he told me to do something it was because it was required not because it was 'advisable on paper'.
It was very much a person to person educated decision that he made uniquely for me and my individual circumstances.
So when he advised me to wait until around the 9-12 week mark to do any plyometric exercises I knew that is was for a valid reason.
Although my scar is completely healed and I 'feel' great, my internal scarring and healing is still yet to be 110%.
By prematurely going 'too hard' I run the risk of hernias, tearing and furthering the diameter of my diastasis.
Something I do not want to risk. So for now, you won't see me running along the beach or box jumping like a pro.
Because, like everything I have done throughout my pregnancy and postpartum, I have followed the advice of the professionals around me.
Starting Monday (7 weeks postpartum) I will be commencing:
- Pilates
- Walking (I love our beach walks!)
- Pin loaded machine work
- Dumbbell exercises
- Slow and controlled movements in the gym
- Diastasis exercises to strength and repair my core
Along with my slow process back to pre pregnancy fitness, I will be doing weekly blogs & videos on the exercises I am performing.
Once I am feeling a little more healed, (2-3 weeks) I will start my TBT program, documenting my journey as always.
Im regards to nutrition, our lives are yet to find that routine again, however with everyday we slowly feel more and more organised.
A lot of our dinners at the moment are very simple- lean meats (chicken, steak, salmon, fish) served with vegetables and either rice, quinoa, etc.
I am so excited to start feeling stronger and help you all along the way!
YAY for fit mums, let us not only teach our kids the right lifestyle- But SHOW them the right way to live! #healthy
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