I have covered these topics before. However I am getting asked on a regular basis and I want to help as many women as I possibly can who may be in these circumstances. Abdominal separation (diastasis recti) happens to around 50% of women, usually during the third trimester.
To read previous blogs on how to check your separation, exercises and more click the blogs directly here:
DIASTASIS RECTI RECTUS ABDOMINIS DIASTASIS (RAD) GUEST BLOG BY AMBER, PHYSIOTHERAPIST, APAM GUEST BLOG- ESSENTIAL EXERCISES POST BIRTH BY AMBER WHITEFORD The above blogs cover everything you need to know about abdominal separation. But what exercise whilst pregnant, post pregnancy and how do you know what is safe?
Every pregnancy is different.
I cannot stress this enough. So so many people have been asking me for a pregnancy exercise program. Unfortunately I cannot create a generic plan as there is no generic pregnancy. I have essentially given you all of the information that I used during my pregnancy, by documenting everything for free for you all, through my blogs, videos and social media posts. However, my fitness level and abilities were very high pre pregnancy. There are certain guidelines to stick to for your heart rate whilst pregnant, and these change with every trimester that you go into. I offer fully custom programs suited to your individual needs, or alternatively find a personal trainer who is experienced and qualified to do the correct exercise program up just for you and your needs. If you are based on the Gold Coast, let me know and I will get you in for a session. The golden rule with exercising when pregnant is that if you were doing it pre pregnancy, you are able to continue to do so whilst pregnant (with conditions such as heart rate monitoring etc) however it is best not to start any new fitness programs that weren't regularly being performed whilst pregnant.
So, how do you know when you are able to exercise again postpartum?
Walking is recommended for most mums postpartum, especially outdoors in the fresh air. With every birth, I was told upon leaving the hospital that it is recommended to put your newborn (or newborns) in the pram and head out for a 20-30 minute walk- it doesn't matter how slow it is, but it will also assist with any PND, which is super important as a new mum. Fresh air, vitamin d, blood flow and exercise to release some endorphins. At 6 weeks postpartum it is usually a great time to start light exercise. By 12 weeks you should be able to work your way into a full exercise program. Of course, this is a guideline. All of my programs can be tailored to suit pre pregnancy, pregnancy and postpartum according to the exercise you were doing prior. I am now 13 weeks postpartum with the twins. I still feel tender around my scar, but have essentially gotten back into my full exercise program now. Any questions? Email me at contact@sophieguidolin.com.au
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