How To Create A Vision Board

How To Create A Vision Board

Creating your own vision board is an exceptional way to transform your dreams and thoughts into reality.

It’s a practice that has been used for many years, based on the simple fact that it works.

What is a vision board?

Your brain is a complex place. In this place, lies your subconscious. Without you knowing or being aware of it, your subconscious is constantly taking in your surroundings.

What you think - will become your reality.

Creating a vision board will focus your subconscious on something specific. It’s a way to target your thoughts on a specific dream and let your mind create it for you.

Your inner self clings on to what you believe. If you force yourself to be reminded of what it is that you want, your subconscious will have no other choice than to rely on your ideas.

It’s magical, really! 

Here are important tips that you should know when creating your own vision board. 

Implement these strategies and watch as your life transforms into what you want!

Tip #1 : Decide on what it is that you want

The first and most important step is identifying exactly what you want to become a reality. Creating a vision board is about getting specific and honing in on your ultimate goals.

So often we think of the general idea of “happiness” or “fortune”. But, what does that mean? What in your life would make you happy? 

This might take you a couple hours, and honestly - It should! It’s important to really dig deep, grab a journal if you have to and really ask yourself the true questions.

Tip #2 : Important areas to include

Which brings me to my next tip - How to decipher what to include on your vision board.

Some questions to ask yourself that you should answer : 

  • What Inspires you the most?
  • What would you like your life to look like in 5 years?
  • Where would you love to receive your income from? Career choice?
  • What does your personal life look like? Relationships?
  • Think about your health goals. What would you like your fitness lifestyle to look like?
  • What are your dream values and beliefs? Add in any affirmations you’d love to live by!
  • What habits and practices would you love to implement in your daily life?

Don’t forget, you can even get more specific! You could not be too tuned in.

For example, 

  • What does your dream closet look like?
  • Do you have a dream dog that you’d like to own?
  • What does your dream house/condo look like?
  • What hairstyle would you most like to have?

It’s important to satisfy all your wants in your life. You’d be surprised how much you can dig out of yourself as soon as you ask yourself the right questions!



Tip #3 : Pick your medium

Have fun in picking how you’d like to showcase your vision! 

There are different ways you can create your vision board so pick the best way for you. 

Some physical ideas include : 

  • Bulletin board
  • White Board
  • Poster board 

You can even go digital by using : 

Whatever you decide on, all that matters is that you implement all your thoughts and ideas that you accumulated in tip #2. 

Make this as creative as you can by using beautiful pictures that you can find online or in magazines, take words of affirmations that speak to you, and fill up your board. 

Some people might choose to section them off into different categories, if you like to go with a more organised style. 

Or, you can leave it scattered and messy.

It is completely up to you how you would like to show your goals. 



Tip #4 : Pick your spot

It’s important to pick a place for your board that is in plain sight. You need to be able to view your board often. This might mean choosing the background of your phone, hang it up in your bedroom, or leave it for your desktop background. 

Picking a place that forces you to look at it is crucial because it signals your subconscious every time.



Tip #5 : Review it often

Make sure to reserve time now and again to sit with your vision board. Come back to it often and really soak in what it is that you created. 

Are your goals still the same? Have you transformed anything from your board into reality?

Take the time to really engage with it. Watch it grow with you.


A vision board is a brilliant way to manifest your dreams into reality. Watch as you take from your imagination and pull it into your subconscious. Realise how it transforms your life into what you asked for.

Remember, this vision board is for you, and for you only. You can make it look however you like. You can include anything your mind can think of. 

This is for your future you to look back on and smile. It’s a wonderful feeling to create your vision right before your eyes. 

Watch as you and your life transforms. 

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