How To Set A Manifestation Goal Blog Sophie Guidolin

How To Set A Manifestation Goal

We can all turn our dream life into a reality, but first, we need to know where to start. Let me help you identify what it is that you truly want through the power of manifestation. Together, we’re going to be magnetic.

What exactly is manifestation?

Manifestation is, essentially, bringing something into your life through the power of attraction and self-belief. Your thoughts, emotions, and actions can all help get you what you want. When you manifest your goal, you are making it known to the universe that this will be yours. 

To start manifesting, you need to be clear on what you want.

To discover what you want deep in your heart of hearts, you need to be vulnerable and open with yourself.

Take some time to yourself, away from any distractions, and begin with a clear mind before asking yourself, “If I could have anything right now, what would it be?

Allow yourself to picture your answer. Have a pen and paper ready and doodle, draw or write whatever comes to mind. 

You may stir some emotions and confront desires that you’re trying to repress because you’re scared of failure. Listen to your inner self and put any limitations or barriers aside. 

Instead, imagine how it would feel to have what you truly wanted and allow yourself to believe it’s possible to achieve it. When you train your mind to focus on the positives of having what you want, your negative feelings associated with not having it start to diminish.

Your goal could be in any area of your life;

  • Personal development - maybe you want to buy a house in your favourite suburb, or buy yourself a particular model of car 
  • Career goals - you may want to get that promotion that you’ve been working hard for, or meet a new business partner that shares the same values, perhaps you’d like a new job closer to home 
  • Relationships - perhaps you’d like to go on a romantic date, reconnect with an old friend, build a stronger relationship with a family member, or meet a new like-minded friend
  • Health and fitness - maybe you want to lose weight, build your core strength, or eat a more balanced diet
  • Spirituality - perhaps you want to make daily prayer a habit, write in a gratitude journal each day, or take part in giving back in your local community

When manifesting, you should try to stick to one goal each time. Trying to manifest too many things at once or asking for something too vague (e.g ‘I want to get rich’) usually takes longer to navigate as it’s harder to track your progress and notice signs the universe is giving. 

Once you’ve taken the time to explore your inner desire, identified what you want, and put it pen to paper, you now need to get deeper. 

Be specific and really define your goal so you become crystal clear on what you’re wanting to manifest. Use all your senses - taste, smell, hear, feel, see your goal - to enhance and build a deeper visualisation of what you’re manifesting.

The more time you spend defining the details of your dream, the more accurately it will materialise into something that closely resembles what you desire. 

You need to ask the universe for what you want and start listening.

Once you are clear on your manifestation goal, you need to spend at least 10-15 minutes a day on your visualisation. Surround yourself with affirmations, objects, vision boards, that bring your dream to life. 

In my 10-Day Manifestation Challenge I’ll guide you step-by-step on how to make your visualisation stronger, how to communicate it with the universe, and ultimately, how to get what you want.

I can’t wait to see you flourish.

Sophie x

1 comment

  • Nerida Blumel

    Hi Sophie,
    I have 2 goals I want to manifest. 1 being losing the weight I have put over winter and being motivated to exercise…both coming hand in hand and the other leaving my toxic work environment and really finding a job that I love and that works well with my girls and our family life and that I can afford anything for my girls. Is this possible to have to goals at the same time? We are also looking for a house too in these crazy times. Haha. My life is a mess really.
    Love everything about you! Nerida x

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