Your comments requesting in-depth explanations covering a lot of topics have not got unnoticed!
Rather than replying with a few sentences over Insta, I want to give you guys as much content as possible.
What better way than through a live chat? Where you can send through your questions as I speak directly on Facebook live! Instant answers to your questions then and there, and as in depth as required!
September's live chat schedule is all about nutrition and training.
I thought it'd be easier for you all to create a monthly schedule for to download, print and put on your fridge.
This way, you never miss a topic you're passionate about or want to know more about.
I'm kicking things off with a discussion about restarting
The Bod Pro program and checking in for the first time on the 4th of September!
I'll tell you how I'm going with training, alternatives and variations that I'm using for exercises, nutrition and hunger.
Also how I am scheduling my days to fit in my training and any motivation.
On the 19th, a resident coach and good friend Liam will be stepping in to discuss MyFitnessPal (and explain how useful it is!).
I know there are a lot of questions about this topic.
Write a list and join us as we tackle things like what to do if you're stuck with a whole bunch of fats at the end of the day and nothing else.
Or how do you most accurately track a meal out with friends?
We can't wait to answer and help you with your questions! Along with that, Liam will break down the steps of tracking your food.
Myself, as well as other guest speakers I have lined up over the next few months will be sitting down with you at night time.
So you'll be in the comfort of your own home (and when the kids are in bed so you can join in!)!
I hope you guys are as excited as I am for this month's live chats!
My goals is to roll out as many as possible for you - covering all of your highly requested topics.
Make sure you comment on my latest post and
let me know what you'd like to see me cover next!
Liam is PASSIONATE about his role as a coach.
Beyond nutrition and training - he continuously researches into the many underlying physiological systems of the human body and their response to the various body composition protocols.
On a daily basis, he continues to educate and practice recent anecdotal studies towards his own training and clients.
You will love hearing what Liam has to say and getting to pick his brain!
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