Family photo of Sophie Guidolin and Nathan Wallace with kids at home|Sophie Guidolin New Year Blog Image wearing Seed|Sophie Guidolin and baby lying on the bed reading a book together

New Year's Resolutions For 2018

Let's talk New Year's Resolutions for 2018... is it really that time again?! It's CRAZY, right?

DID YOU KNOW: In 2016, it was found that only 8% of resolution setters achieved their goal. I want to help you all achieve your goals! 🙌 No ambition is too small, large or crazy!

In 2018, I am going to once again (ahhh!) attempt to achieve that work/life balance.

This resolution is very important to me, and whilst there have been short stints throughout the year where I *think* I've gotten to that place... I am even more determined to work harder for it next year.

You can read my 2017 resolution blog here.

Sophie Guidolin and baby lying on the bed reading a book together A lot of New Year's resolutions are about breaking or making habits. Hard, but definitely not impossible. Something I touched on on Instagram the other day was regarding 'broad goals'. A goal such as 'lose weight' seems straightforward enough right? But is that what could be affecting your success and progress? With a goal that broad, how can you possibly know where to start? There are so many aspects to consider when aiming to lose weight. Even breaking up nutrition and training is huge!

I know that in 2017, the top resolution was achieving a fitter, healthier lifestyle focusing on weight loss.

While this is a great goal to have, should you perhaps aim to only eat takeout once or twice a week? Or lose 3 kilos, rather than simply striving to 'lose weight'. Maybe it could even be to drink more water? Think about how achievable it is to reduce the amount of takeout you eat per week compared to losing weight with no deadline. Scaling a goal down doesn't necessarily mean you're putting a big goal on the back burner. Think of it like portioning sections of your goal onto a timeline or schedule, and taking them down one at a time. Imagine if your goal was to reduce the amount of takeout you eat to twice a week. What do you do once that's achieved? Your next progressive goal would be to meal prep once a week, and reduce takeout to once a week.

These are the top 10 New Year's resolutions for 2017

  1. Lose weight/healthier eating
  2. Life/self improvements
  3. Better financial decisions
  4. Quit smoking
  5. Do more exciting things
  6. Spend more time with family/close friends
  7. Workout more often
  8. Learn something new
  9. Do more good deeds for others
  10. Find the love of my life

Do any of these relate to you?

These are our top tips to achieving your goals and New Year's Resolutions for 2018:

Make them SMART: 

SPECIFIC A specific outcome makes the goal that much more attainable. Like I mentioned earlier, broad goals could potentially be the barrier to you achieving your resolutions. You can fine tune the details down to the date you'd like your goal achieved, where it will happen, how, with who, and any limitations you may encounter. M: Measurable How will you determine if you were successful in your goals? What defining factors will confirm it for you? Is it a number? A feeling? A finished project? A: Attainable Now I don't think any goal is too big or small, but if you set something that you truly believe can be achieved, you are manifesting success. An attainable goal is something that you are willing to prioritise and work for every day. R: Relevant By relevant, I mean do you possess the skills to achieve your resolution? And if not, do you have the time to set aside to make it relevant? It could be as simple as attending a class to learn a new language before setting the goal of 'learning to speak French'. T: Timely Deadlines turn words into action. Set yourself deadlines so you are consciously going after them. Ensure they're realistic and allow yourself some flexibility too.

Make them FUN

Can you increase your chances of achieving your 2018 resolutions by making the experience more fun? Why not print or draw up your goal on a poster and stick it on the fridge? You can also print off beautifully designed mantras and quotes to encourage you. Set a photo that reminds you of your goal as your phone background! Or why not reflect on your progress weekly like a personal 'check-in'? Purchase a diary and scribble in it once a week.

Make them KNOWN

Telling your nearest and dearest about your resolutions will motivate you even further! I don't know about you, but when I come up with an idea (quite often randomly and unexpectedly, ha!), I tell everyone in the office or whoever's closest to me for deliberation. Besides encouragement, it's great to hear about the perspective of others. They may even have ideas you didn't think of beforehand!   So what are some things you're hoping to improve in 2018? Tell me your goals! I love hearing your New Year's resolutions! 🎇 Want to learn more about the nutrition and training I'll be following in the New Year? Check out my 12-week program, The Bod for everything you need to reach your specific goals.

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