So, the topic was raised on my Instagram after I stated I had gained 5kilos so far into my pregnancy.
So what
is a healthy weight gain amount for pregnancy?
Achieving optimal weight gain during pregnancy is associated with improved outcomes for the mother and the baby regardless of the mother’s existing weight and body fat levels. Excessive gestational weight gain increases maternal risks for:
- pre-eclampsia
- gestational diabetes
- caesarean section
- weight retention postpartum with associated long-term health consequences
Having personal first hand experience gaining 28 kilos with my first pregnancy, (singleton) and having gestational diabetes, a 4.8kilo (10+ pound) baby and intervention for labour. This is my first hand negative experience with excessive weight gain due to an unhealthy lifestyle.
The Australian and New Zealand guidelines for practitioners are as follows:
Women who are underweight have a recommended weight gain guideline of 12.5-18kilos.
Women in the healthy weight range is 11.5-16 kilos, for a twin pregnancy this figure is 16-24 kilos.
Overweight women guidelines are 7-11.5 kilos, for a twin pregnancy this is 14- 23kgs.
Obese women are advised to only gain 5-9 kilos in total throughout their pregnancy, for twins the guideline is 11-19kilos.
I am currently just over half way on my journey with twins, and have gained 5.5 kilos, I was in the healthy weight range pre-pregnancy so my personal weight gain guidelines is 16-24 kilos.
However, the greatest weight gain happens in your 2
nd and 3
rd trimesters where you should gain an average 300-500grams per week.
There are numerous proven negative effects of weight gain during pregnancy, not only for the mother but for the baby too.
So how can you keep your weight gain under control whilst you’re pregnant and may not be able to keep up your regular routine?
Nutrition is key, ensuring you are eating enough serves of vegetables and fruits, 5 serves per day, with your remaining diet from protein and breads.
Regular exercise will also help with not only weight gain, but to ensure that your energy levels are maintained. Some less intense exercise options may include antenatal classes, walking, swimming, pilates or yoga.
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