THE BOD Fuel Recipe Book Extension!

THE BOD Fuel Recipe Book Extension!



2019 is my year, your year, our year.

I don't want you to just achieve your goals, I want you to SMASH them out of the ball park!

For those who have been a part of my BOD SQUAD for a while will know that I don’t believe in cutting out a food group or restrictive dieting. I believe in living a life of balance and flexibility. In sitting down as a family and enjoying a meal- without sacrificing the goals that may be personally important to you.

That's where THE BOD's newest recipe book THE BOD Fuel comes in. 

My motto is that if you cannot see yourself doing something FOREVER, don’t START. Cutting out full food groups, or limiting your dietary intake so you have no energy is not a sustainable solution long term.
You asked for it, we listened!


JAN 1 2019- get ready to smash your 2019 goals!!!
THE BOD FUEL goes on pre-sale on New Year's Day!

It's the perfect addition to those already following THE BOD program, a gift for someone wanting to live a healthier lifestyle or simply those who are wanting mouthwatering macro-friendly recipes!


A unique recipe book x nutrition handbook complete with over 80 recipes to fuel your BOD!

What does THE BOD FUEL include?

Nutrition information on macronutrients, micronutrients and finding the perfect nutrition to implement- unique to you and your lifestyle.

• 4 weeks of meal plans
• Over 80 recipes, including breakfast, bites, lunch, pre-workout boosters and dinner chapters- all complete with full macros and barcode scanners!
• A unique barcode scanner to use with your online macro tracking app to make meal times quicker, smarter and easier to enjoy whilst still achieving your goals.
• 45+ vegetarian suitable recipes!

When does it launch?

January 1, 7pm AEST at 

How much does it cost?

$44.95 + a FREE Starter Bod digital eBook (valued at $89.95) for the first 500 purchases AND FREE SHIPPING! 

THE BOD is also releasing a limited number (only 100) of Fuel Your 2019 Packs for those who purchase during pre-sale, so make sure you're ready for January 1 at 7pm AEST.


- #THEBODFuel recipe book
- Your FREE digital Starter Bod program (RRP. $89.95)
- A 12-week BOD planner to help you set and achieve goals
- THE BOD Restart Round 1 2019 Pass so you are 100% ready for 2019
- Your own pack of FitBod Scrub for your BOD's recovery
- A pack of our best-selling booty bands + booty band eBook
- Plus free shipping Australia-wide

Valued at $219.65!

Try the Chicken Korma, one of our favourite family dinners straight from THE BOD Fuel >

Join me to smash your New Years Resolutions with THE BOD FUEL.


  • Amanda

    I’ve followed you on Instagram and as a mum myself i adire your heath and fitness that you include your beautiful family in. I would absolutely LOVE to start and continue 2019 on a healthier foot. Im keen on trying your 12 week plan that i can continue with my family. Im a vegetarian and would love to experiment with new meaks and snacks. Your a truly beautiful and inspiring woman, than you for sharing your fitness, helps other mums thank you 😀

  • Louise

    Can’t wait to purchase this one! Just in time to help us loose those kilos for our wedding

  • natalie deas

    If love to sign up for the pre sale the bod fuel pack please yay so exciting

  • Emily

    Would love to start this! More details please :)

  • Trace

    Count me in!!

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