Creating micro-routines can be the difference between conquering the day or spending it curled up in bed.
Never underestimate the power of a solid morning routine! It’s the backbone of my self-care practice. Habits can change your life if you implement them consistently in a routine that works for you.
Implementing small actions into your day-to-day life can help you establish sustainable, healthier behaviour patterns that will last a lifetime. The best way to make a major life change is by starting off small, ingraining new habits via baby steps. I’ll be honest, you may not see instant results. But in the long run? Your micro-routines will result in a significant improvement in your mental health.
Small changes in your daily routine can have a massive impact on your way of thinking. As soon as you wake up, every decision you make dips into your brain’s willpower reserves. Cementing morning habits makes it easier to prioritise mental and physical health throughout the rest of the day. They’re pretty damn awesome.
Here’s my morning micro-routine that helps make a significant difference in my mental health -
- Vedic Meditation
- Dream journaling
- Oracle/Affirmation Cards
- Beauty Crystals by Lust Minerals
- Reading
So let’s talk about some of the things you might want to add to your morning/evening routine. Everyone’s ideal routine will be different, so the suggestions on this list are meant to be starting points, not a step-by-step guide. Experiment with what works for you, and remember that the key is consistency.
- Wake up the same time every day
- Make your bed
- Journal
- Meditate
- Limit time on your phone or watching TV
- Stretch
- Hydrate
- Write/review your daily to-do list
- Keep to a daily schedule of exercise
- Eat meals at regular times
- Go to bed at the same time each night
- Read each day
- Walk
In addition, try including new activities that can become a healthy part of your daily routine, such as some deep breathing exercises to your day (I love doing breath work with Nicola Laye), or try meditation that can be calming and improve your resilience.
The pandemic has shaken up everyone’s day-to-day, replacing packed schedules with unstructured time that can be detrimental to good mental health. The structure of even small daily routines become important patterns and expectations that give us enough positive stress to get through a day with a sense of purpose and well-being.
You can reduce any feelings of anxiety, depression, and anything else that’s preventing you from living the life you truly desire.
So if you want to change your life right now, adjusting your routine by implementing some of the above micro-habits is certainly a great place to start.
As Darren Hardy wrote in his book, The Compound Effect, “A daily routine built on good habits and disciplines separates the most successful among us from everyone else. A routine is exceptionally powerful.”
Put one foot in front of the other. Make a little progress each day towards improving your mental health. You’ve got this!
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