CHORES FOR KIDS! | Ages 2 - 12

CHORES FOR KIDS! | Ages 2 - 12

Do your children do chores?

It is currently mid school holidays, the sand inside, the "Immmm bored" the endless washing and towels- trust me mama, I feel you!

With the new term looming and a new year upon us, save your sanity by getting your children to help out around the house! 

I believe that chores can have an impactful and lasting effect on your kids, at any age.

Allowing your children some form of responsibility on a scale that suits their age allows them to feel that they're contributing at home, which they naturally love. 

Each of my kids have their own 'chores', appropriate to their age, and allowing them to help in their own ways around the household.

Ryder and Kai already make their own breakfasts, and often prepare dinners every now and then. Just a few nights ago, I had gotten home to enchiladas made by Kai which fed our whole fam bam. 

The girls are learning to pick up after themselves, and help clean up the toys (sometimes, haha!).  

Here are some age-appropriate chores to introduce to your kids:

Ages 2-3:

This is an age you still supervise chores, and is about teaching them the motions of doing daily things.

  • Pick up and put away toys
  • Throw rubbish in the bin
  • Put dirty clothes in the washing basket
  • Put shoes away

Ages 4-5:

A little more responsibility  - this is a great age to introduce a chore chart.

Ages 6-7:

Some of these chores can be daily - remind them it is a daily task until it becomes a natural habit. 

  • Make the bed
  • Set and clear the table with supervision
  • Dry dishes
  • Fold towels
  • Replace toilet paper rolls
  • Weed garden
  • Rake leaves

Ages 8-9:

This is where less supervision is needed, and kids can independently go about their chores. 

  • Load the dishwasher
  • Put groceries away
  • Hang and fold clothes
  • Wipe up the dinner table
  • Homework 
  • Clean the bedroom

Ages 10-11:

This is a great age to introduce 'bigger' tasks.

Ages 12+:

I haven't reached this age yet... help anyone? :D Here are some of my ideas:

 Got any other handy chores? Drop them in the comments below: 


1 comment

  • Jessica Duke

    Changing the sheets is a great one for
    12 +

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